Sunday, September 11, 2011



My dearest Savior
Please forgive the anger, bitterness and hate
That I’m ashamed to say fills my heart of late
I only know that it’s all bound up inside, tearing me apart
Eating away at any peace I might have
Always hiding all that is sad, or mad, or in between
Feeling ill at ease or mean…
Things from the past…where I’ve been
How do you let go of all that stuff?
How do you heal?
Jesus, will You be “enough”?
Do I just bring it to You?
What do I do?
I feel completely lost Lord, walking in the fog;
Years of chronic illness taking its toll…
Maybe I just can’t roll…anymore
Once again my face is on the floor…
If it weren’t for Your irresistible grace I would have no hope
You called me Yours before time even began,
You extended Your merciful hand…
Please Lord; help me have a heart like Yours
To let go of bitterness and hate, start over with a clean plate
That can only happen by Your grace, by Your amazing gift of faith…
YOU do ALL that it takes; I’m incapable of change on my own
So I humbly bow before Your throne and beg for Your graceful help
To change my life, change my heart
I cast myself upon Your mercy Lord; I’m lost without You
For there is no other besides You
No one who holds the words of eternal truth
Impart them to my soul, I place myself in Your control sovereign God
Make me ever mindful of man’s total depravity and rebellion against You
Apart from Your saving irresistible grace;
There is no one who is good; no one who seeks God
Together, we have ALL turned away to follow our own way
For ALL have fallen short of the glory of God and sinned;
We refuse to bow before You; every one
Please find us with Your irresistible grace and draw us to Your Son
For that is the ONLY WAY we come to
Jesus Christ, who died, that all who would believe would be set free
Set free of all the chains that otherwise hold us bound
So that we can be with the Abba Father and Yeshua, for ALL eternity.
Ami. Amen.