Monday, January 7, 2013


No Other Name
Michelle Y Secord

Lord, Open up my eyes so that I can see the truth
in Your great mystery…
The knowledge of You that sometimes only comes with the
sharing of Your sufferings…
And that sometimes; that is the food our soul needs and fights the most
yet understands the very least
But yet You wrapped our injured flesh around Your eternal glory
All to bring us peace;
And Your tender brow was pierced by thorns that Your own hands had made;
But there will be a day with no more tears and no more pain because
Of Your life that You so willingly gave…
That God so loved the World…Your great mystery…
Oh sweet Lord, give me a mind and a heart that I might see;
See and understand and share with my fellow man:
We, who stand so proud and blind
Help us see Your truth and find…the only truth to share and that can save
And let us lift high Your name without shame with all our heart and soul!
And let the darkness see that we’ve the victory and they will scatter ‘fore Your holy name
Yeah the victory it is ours to see and the enemy will flee!
Yeah the victory it is ours to see and the enemy will flee!
So we praise You Lord and Your mighty sword and the love that fills our hearts!
And we beg You stay til the end of days and never from us to depart!
And we beg You stay til the end of days and never from us to depart!
And all glory be to one most precious born to die;
To save mankind from our sin and open our blinded eyes!
Yea, lift up your voice and let it give our King all glory!
Take the truth out to the world and share His story!
Hasanna, Hasanna, Hosanna in the Highest!
All Glory to Your Name!.....JESUS!
All Glory to Your Name, You have freed us!
Glory, Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!

You know, I've suffered for 12 years now from Chronic Fibromyalgia, and in 2007 had a stroke that hit my emotional and thought process part of my brain dead on, which has added to the ways that Fibromyalgia messes with your emotions. And then of course there's the memory loss, word-finding difficulties, and when I'm in a conversation, I'll just lose my train of thought completely or the word that I desperately want to use. And did I mention that I'm in the full throes of Menopause?
And I'm not trying to complain - really, more like trying to explain my life and why you see me post like 3 blogs then I'll disappear for 3 weeks, a month; I'm finding it difficult after 12 years to live this life of constant pain and suffering; letdowns; running out of money because my meds are SO expensive.And now I seem to be caught in this cycle with my brain where I remember/forget; remember/forget; and I usually get stuck in forget. But I'm finding it very frustrating. And I know my expectations for myself are WAY too high than what in reality I can actually accomplish in one day, or even one week. I feel like my life is slipping through my fingers and I can't stop it; that there are so many wonderful things that I want to accomplish that I'm thinking just aren't going to happen. Because my body and my brain are not going to cooperate with my will.
But the point of my poem really is the only way to really know our Lord is to embrace the cross that He told us in the first place we would have to embrace if we were going to be a true disciple of His,that, as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said so succinctly; "When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die." Amazing man Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young pastor in WW11 Germany. He understood and accepted what Paul understood and accepted; that to have real power and relevance, the church must be willing to suffer; and that's why, I believe the Western church is pretty much powerless right now; we refuse to embrace the cross. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said of Phil 3:10(I'm pretty sure I've got this reference right, trusting my memory though, so...)"that I might know Him and the POWER of His resurrection, and may share in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death." He said that the church LOVES the first half of that verse, and in our day, ESPECIALLY the WESTERN CHURCH; but until we are willing to EMBRACE the second half of the verse, i.e. the sharing in His sufferings, the church will have NO POWER! He was not a man to mince words. And I have to thank Pastor Erwin Lutzer of Moody Church for re-introducing me to Mr. Bonhoeffer with his excellent book, "When a Nation Forgets God: 7 Lessons We Must Learn From Nazi Germany, and "Hitler's Cross: The Revealing Story of How the Cross of Christ was Used as as a symbol with author Ravi Zacharias; Both of which have set me off on a journey with the Lord to I'm not sure where, but it involves a lot of reading, study, and note-taking; quite a challenge for me but I'm more than willing to follow!
But Bonhoeffer stood against Hitler and his take-over of the churches until they became no more than temples of idol worship to Hitler.

And if we're honest and take a good open-eyed look at the state of the "Church in America," we're in sorry shape Statistics tell us that most self-professing "born-again" Christians in America are Biblically illiterate. And as usual, most Catholics are also, always have been, Biblically illiterate. So that leaves a very,very small number of Christians who are taking the time to learn for themselves what the Bible teaches, and relying instead on their Pastor, Priest, whatever, to tell them what the Bible says AND that is dangerous, disturbing. WE are currently (this could change under Obama's second term-you think I'm kidding?) the MOST open free country on the planet as far as religious freedom, RIGHT NOW. WE have access to Bibles, Bible Studies, books about the Bible, the history of the Bible, we have Bible Studies on the radio, the net, the TV(a word of caution there,LOTS Of FALSE TEACHERS on Christian TV), but you get it. And God holds us accountable for being able to rightly divide the word of truth; you can't plead ignorance in today's world! The BEST Ministries, and probably unfortunately the worst too, i haven't done a detailed study, broadcast now worldwide, to just about ALL countries in almost ALL but a few languages, SO NOBODY is going to be able to stand before the Lord and claim ignorance of the Gospel. But MY point was that here in America, there is no shortage and so much LEGIT material available that you really have NO excuse for NOT Knowing your Bible, so my guess is people are lazy and don't care enough to know, or they just don't want to know, God is not even on their radar...and that is a HUGE part of America's decline.
American Christians don't want to suffer for their faith, though I DO believe there is a true remnant that gets it, because God always has a true remnant, PLUS we are rife with false gospels, and until church leaders or some of us, though a nobody like me has no power, steps up and says enough, WHEN ARE WE GOING TO SAY ENOUGH AND NO MORE TO THE PROSPERITY, WORD-FAITH, DOMINIONISM AND OTHER GARBAGE GOING ON IN OUR CHURCHES? BEFORE JESUS PERMANENTLY REMOVES HIS LAMPSTAND FROM EVERY AMERICAN CHURCH! AND DON'T THINK HE HASN'T REMOVED IT FROM MANY ALREADY! We need to study seriously the first three chapters of Revelation; for there we find Christ's own letters to His churches; 7 literal churches at the time yes, but it reaches further, it was MEANT to- to His churches down through the centuries, and so they can be applied to us. The Laodicean church most represents the 21st century church according to most scholars, and all you have to do is look around  the average  western church to see this truth. I see it in a HUGE way in the way Americans have embraced the prosperity and word-faith(better known as the name it and claim it church).

 Wow. Talk about bragging that we're rich and have prospered and have need of nothing, not realizing that we are wretched, poor, naked, and blind! And that's the one Christ wants to SPEW out of His mouth it makes Him so sick. And when are we going to stop being SO politically correct that we don't call out the mega-pastors with their mega-churches who are getting mega BOOK DEALS that deny a MAJOR doctrine of our Christian faith, ROB BELL? WHY is his BLASPHEMOUS TRASH in every Christian bookstore, Amazon, church book tables? SERIOUSLY? Why isn't he denied fellowship for such treason against his Lord? Would Paul or Peter put up with this Judas who sold his Lord out for 30 million pieces of silver and then still "kissed" Jesus on the cheek with his Judas kiss as it were? And WHY are we letting other FALSE teachers stand who deny the virgin birth, the resurrection, that Christ really died on the cross (you have to be an idiot to believe that), WHY aren't the MAJOR good guys taking a stand with ALL of us behind them? I'll join! I'll go! We're in a SPIRITUAL BATTLE and right now we are DOING NOTHING! The ROB Bell's and his ilk MUST BE CALLED OUT BY NAME! They SHOULD be shamed! AND kicked out the back door! Isn't blasphemy such as is being tolerated, denying the MAJOR tenets of the CHRISTIAN faith, just as much a sin as that pastor who lost his ministry for homosexual sin and lying about it? Unless I'm wrong, sin is sin correct? You break one law, you break them ALL? So Why does a guy like Rob Bell and the others like him get REWARDED and made MORE WEALTHY when their sin is BETRAYAL OF THE MASTER??? SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN? Because we're being hypocrites we are, judging sexual sin as something so perverse and dirty that we make sure those guys GO, buy BETRAYING OUR LORD? We let them stay, give them great book deals to HELP them spread their false teachings, they KEEP their mega church, we're REWARDING THE WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, but we are SO RIGHTEOUS when we destroy men like    Ted Haggard aren't we? But we let the Benny Hinn's continue to rip off people's last dollar hoping for that miracle healing that won't come from following him all over hell and back (literally,in a lot of ways), while he struts on-stage waving his jacket at people and they fall down out of over-excitement and emotion cause it's not the Holy Spirit with that man. And he's been PROVEN to be a hoax and a lie, yet people still go? So in cases like that, well some people won't believe truth if it's staring them in the face. 

But back to the other point of dealing with the overwhelming proliferation of false teachers, healers, self-proclaimed apostles, et al. I realize we can't rid ourselves of the lot of them, sad to say, though if we would have dealt more forcefully with them as they appeared as Paul and the early church did we might not be in the mess we are in now. But to sit and do nothing I don't think is acceptable to our Lord;when you study His letters to His churches, i.e. to US, He expected them to rid their church of the false teachers among them. And if not, as in the church in Pergamum, He threatens to come there and make war with those who refuse to repent with the sword of His mouth (His word). So to my simple saint's mind, it's time for some serious BATTLE, to put these fakes OUT OF BUSINESS, and let God's truth reign. It's WAY past time. But I just have this little blog that really I'm not sure ANYBODY follows, not even my own kids! So what to do? 

What I would like to know is am I all alone out here? Am I the only one who thinks all the PC crap has to end and the time to offend with the true Gospel is now? And I DON"T mean offend by being obnoxious but to quit being people-pleasers and start being our God-pleasers! He deserves truth, not distortions of His word. And these false teachers with their fake smiles? AHHHH! It's WAY Past time to get real! And that includes a VERY TOUCHY SUBJECT: God's people standing with Him supporting Israel! But I believe that before that can happen there needs to be much humbling of man's pride; letting go of man's doctrine and returning to the literal truth of God's Scriptures that He gave to HIS people so who on earth would understand them better I ask? And we Gentiles need to understand at the deepest level God's plan for God's people and the blessing of the nations through their salvation through Christ who gave His blood for "the Jew first and then the Gentile." And that the healing of the nations will come trough the salvation of Israel and their King eternal, Yeshua, seated on Davids throne, fulfilling the yet unfulfilled Davidic covenant. BUT some serious, open-hearted, open-minded, humble, re-study needs to take place. And our Gentile understanding I believe God intends to come through our Messianic brothers, the Rabbis who know and love Yeshua as Savior and Lord, and have an understanding of the Scriptures that we in the West just will NEVER have. But first must come repentance for pride that REFUSES to look at truth; because truth is; God is in NO WAY done with Israel and that is NOT what is taught in the Bible unless you're purposefully, pridefully blind. And I apologize for stepping on toes, but that theology is just so WRONG, and hurtful, and hurtful to our LORD, teach Romans correctly with eyes and ears and hearts open. What about our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters? Who know the Old Testament like we never will?? Should we not listen to them? Should we drop the arrogance and pride? And look at the prophets...EVERY ONE teaches the FULL RESTORATION OF ISRAEL, TODAY"S ISRAEL; What Amillennialists refuse to do is study the prophets and Israel's restoration; and the difference between God's Heavenly Throne and the Earthly Davidic Throne, day will unite as one; and that fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant of GRACE by faith is a LAND promise; never fulfilled; demands the Millennial Kingdom for fulfillment; I'd most humbly suggest connecting with your Messianic brothers who know a lot more than the west does about the subject andthat we should all lose the pride;
then wouldn't Christ be proud of His Bride?

 And me? Trust me, I've just been the student now trying to act as mediator because I think it's time we all got our act together around the truth, God's truth... NOT MANS. Because man;s truth is getting really old... and boring... and the quote "heroes" are full of not only themselves, but pride that I don't find so much in the Messianic Community, they seem to get it...and it all seems linked to the suffering... that Bonhoeffer said the church just wouldn't accept, and until we did, we would lack the power. And as one who knows suffering in an intimate way, I agree with Him, because you know the Lord in a deeper, more intimate way when you suffer 24/7 for 12 years and no one gets it, which is me. And it seems to me that's kind of where Israel is, there is huge, unknown and dangerously  mis-understood, suffering going on and a propaganda war that sets them up as the bad guys for defending their people and their land, and the church just buys this without question? Without serious research to find out the truth? And BELIEVE ME, I'm in NO WAY comparing myself with Israel and their GREAT suffering, but as someone with a chronic debilitating disease that is INVISIBLE on the outside (well you look great, so you MUST be fine!), AND a stroke that has SO messed up my emotional center and thought processes that sometimes an inappropriate reaction that I COULD NOT CONTROL will turn loved ones, my CARE-TAKERS against ME? I KNOW UNFAIR, AND DEEP PAIN, CONTINUOUS, and to be ISOLATED. That's all. And the Lord is taking me to deep places of research that are really hard for me, but Important, because its for Him, and for truth, and for HIS people, so it's become important to me.

All I'm saying is there is a lot of people, very evil, determined people who are just as determined NOW in 2013 who want to finish what Hitler started. And the proof is out there for anyone who cares to find it. I mentioned Pastor Lutzer's books. Start there to understand the hate. AS God;s people I think it's ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL THAT WE STAND WITH ISRAEL. TO DO ANY LESS IS A BETRAYAL OF OUR VERY JEWISH SAVIOR. And if you're offended by that statement, I'm sorry but you're also totally ignorant of the hatred out there against Israel, and THEY are not the "Occupiers" as the left loves to say. They OWN the land they're in, and much more on top of that,  and they'll get it. Because God promised, and He hasn't broken one promise yet, NOR WILL HE, no matter how man twists Scripture to MAKE HIM break the BIGGEST PROMISE He EVER MADE: The Abrahamic and Davidic UNCONDITIONAL PROMISES! So PLEASE pray about where you now stand, you certainly don't want to be on the wrong side of this. Being on the wrong side of God doesn't generally go well historically. Germany never has FULLY recovered as I understand.
And again, in just a short time of listening to my Messianic brothers, these Rabbis who TRULY understand the Scripture and their God in the deepest way, and my Lord continues to confirm that what I'm studying and hearing is HIS truth from eternity past. And it leads to one disturbing conclusion that won't win me friends on earth; the Amillennial position is man's making and man's teaching, NOT GOD"S. Man took the literal sense that made plain sense and insisted on twisting it to meet THEIR doctrines and they ended up with nonsense. and I learned that from a Wonderful Messianic Brother;  a PhD in Old Testament studies and... Dr. Norm Geisler; HE said that the RULE in interpreting Scripture is that if the literal sense makes plain sense, seek no other sense, so you don't end up with nonsense. And how true we see that is!

Messianic Perspectives: The Book of Hebrews

Listen, I'm no professional writer (clear I'm sure), and I'm not too worried about stepping on toes (obvious as well), that's what started this mess in the first place. And considering the FACT that salvation is of the Jews, and we have our Scriptures because of the due diligence of the Jews, we meed to listen to THEIR ancient wisdom that Yahweh has granted them and listen good, without pride or resentment. Man's pride has done serious harm to the truths of Scripture and I know I'm nothing but little, but I BELIEVE that our Lord is CALLING us to listen to the truth found in the prophets of old without trying to "spiritualize" things obviously never meant to be spiritualized. Sometimes God uses the simple to see what the "wise"; blinded by all of their "worldly wisdom"; cannot see or hear. I don't really know. But I DO know the command to listen to His people once again, because they KNOW AND UNDERSTAND the truth so many Gentiles cannot because they have presumed privilege that was not ours to take. But we have a HUMONGOUS chance to unite with our Messianic Brothers and sisters who have this gift, this wealth of knowledge; this "pearl of great price" if I may; this deep, thousands of years deep knowledge of their God that westerners just cannot know. So I adjure you, my brothers and sisters, might we unite and make the heart of our Lord smile and perhaps, just perhaps, see a miracle"

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on ALL flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions, Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit." - Joel 2:28-29

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