Tuesday, September 2, 2014


"I have come to set the world on fire; and I wish that it were already burning! I have a terrible baptism of suffering( His cup of suffering); ahead of Me, and I AM under a heavy burden until IT IS ACCOMPLISHED( redemptions plan)! Do you think that I have comr to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! From now on, families will be split apart, three in favor of Me, and two against, or two in favor and three against." - Luke 12:49-52

Psalm 119; a Tribute to Gods Holy Word

Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet thy commandments are my delights. Fall in love with Gods word and You will find Him faithful!

We are Blessed when we walk on Gods narrow road

The "I wills" and "I shall" throughout the holy Scriptures bring endless hope for all who belong to the Father through our saving RELATIONSHIP with His Son, Christ. Just ponder a moment to wonder how many times does the LORD uses " I will" and " I shall" usually in comforting US. Reminding us that He will NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US, which is incredibly cool isn't it? That we, sin filled humans are SO IMPORTANT TO GOD THAT HE MADE US "Just a little lower than the angels! Who are we that He loves us SO MUCH that He made us HIS OWN, The Church, set apart as distinct and special in that all who believe in Christ since the day of Pentecost are "THE BRIDE OF CHRIST!" No other group of believers are given that distinction of being the "Bride of Christ" save all who believe now and in these 2000+ years since Christ was first here. Ponder that fact in your quiet place. Ponder the priveledge! WOW! Isn't it AMAZING?....Just like Jesus! AMAZING GRACE, AMAZING LOVE!