Thursday, August 14, 2014

What do You Do?

'What do you do when your love gets old, and all you feel is cold, and you're just not quite so sure that your faith will hold? Call out His name, yeah...Call out His name...
What do we do when our faith is small and we stand looking up at a too tall wall?
We call out Your name Jesus, yeah, we call out your name...
And we learn that it's better to be last in the race when you've hit each ball out of reach
And we learn that it's better to make God cheer you on, versus any praise that's just a voice in the  wind, and quickly gone
We call Your name, we sing your praise, we come to you with voices raised...
And there is no shame, and we shout Your name to the never-ending sky
Never to say goodbye, but only til next time! For I am Yours and by grace through faith, You are mine...
And I will sing Your praise and call out Your name...
For You never change but remain the same, yeah, remain the same....
And oh sweet Lord, I call Your name...oh yeah...I call Your name....

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Rapture of the Church

I have been deeply troubled by the increasing attacks against the TRUE TIMING IN THE BIBLE FOR A PRE-Trib Rapture. The increasingly vocal stand against this truth has really been amped up, especially noted in the last 12-24 months. The opponents to this Biblical truth are getting more arrogant and rude in their treatment of the millions who DO UNDERSTAND THIS PRE-Trib Rapture. They will point out that we who hold to the pre-Trib doctrine are under a mass delusion, thus twisting Gods word to make it fit into " our" position. I suggest the opposite, the attacks on this pre-Trib rapture are the ones not only deceived, but losing the discernment with which the Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth, and confirms, along with denies th