Friday, March 11, 2016

Bread UponThe Waters

"Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days"~Ecc11:1

Do not be afraid to follow Me, nor draw back in doubt. I will provide all that you lack, and I will pave the way for you with My bounty.
You are not treading alone.?There are many on the same road. It is the road of faith and trust, and you will have sweet fellowship, for there are others who will join you in this walk.
You will rejoice with exceeding joy, and your joy will be shared by angels. They walk beside you and guard your way.
Never limit Me. I will take you through, though cliffs should rise before you. There will always be a provision, and in My mercy, I will see that you find it. 

Christ The Risen Reigning King

CHRIST; The Risen, Reigning King
Angels sing creations story
From the place of glory far above
Heaven is a place of continuous peace 
And unfettered love...
From the least to the greatest, God calls to man from up above; 
An angel will take flight on the wings of a dove;
And give salvations story of grace and love~
This broken world is in Gods more than capable hands and the outcome is His to command~
And we shall sing! 
He is come! He is come! Jesus Christ our holy One
Who sits in majesty on His throne of grace...
O Lord, we long to see Your radiant face! 
He is set to pour out His wrath upon the unbelieving and unrepentant; just as it is written
Whatever it may be, be sure the world will see...
The age of grace is coming to an end; but people still refuse to listen or be trees that bend~
Now people reject openly the Gospel story as saints await their rewards; before the altar bowing~
Reunited with our Lord who came as a thief in the night; let it be alright now as we face the end;
God will one day walk with men; the relationship without spot or tear; only the saved will walk with Him there; we will finally see our Lord cloaked in glory: all along its been Christ's story! 
So come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ our reigning King! To Him we will sing!  
So come and worship, come and worship;
Through all of heaven praises ring
For Christ, The Risen, Reigning King
Isaiah  59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.