Monday, March 23, 2015


Ash Heap

! The saying that we really know Have you ever sat in your ash heap and wondered oh God could take and DO with your pile of conders?
Well, lighten your load! Indeed, God has chosen a bed of illness for some of His Children, and there's a popular false gospel being gobbled up by a lot of the Lords sheep! Like;"You  should have more faith! Then you'd be healed and healthy, and don't forget rich. That is enshrined in that stuff they call gospel and it's FALSE, and MOSTLY IN THIS COUNTRY? WHY IS THAT???
It's certainly, 100% opposed to the Gospel of Christ where He TOLD us Himself, and EVERY APOSTLE TAUGHT IT! So HOW do so many of AMERICAN Christians fall for it? No Discernmen(1), and (2), per a polls, we're also a total Biblically Illiterate country among "professing Christians"! How can that be? We're so blessed with light that were making a laughingstock when the uber- charismatics are flopping like fish on a floor, HOW do you think unbelievable who see a crazed man swinging his 1&
Suits( that's a guess). He's been outed as a fake yet MILLIONS follow Him and others of his ilk, Many spend their last dollar( literally, to go and pray to be one "called to go to the stage! It's sad but it also makes me a litte Ames up is the only reason they don't know to flee these creeps, is THEIR laziness of never PICK  UP THE WORD! One walk back through one "GOSPEL" would show ANYONE THAT THIS " Prosperity, health/wealth FALSE Name it /Claim it scam. Jesus preached that as His own, we SHOULD EXPECT TO BE PERSECUTED, Tested, 
Be under trials and YES! Pain and suffering) ( try selling the prosperity gospel to the persecuted Cristians all aver the Middle East, Egypt, the whole area in Iraq where Christians are being killed for Christ! More every day. They know far more about suffering than our churches may never know. 
But back to suffering, God makes it ABUNDANTLY clear that not all will be healed until we enter heaven! 
But the church that preaches that ALL WILL BE HEALED before long. But tell that to Paul ! And whether God still does miracles! And if our suffering brings others to see our patient endurance, ( THO there R moments you'd like to just be done)? But we learn more to draw closer to our Savior Christ for Christ, but only if we let Him in to our pain, because He understands it all. He's walked His way into our suffering, being humbled THO He IS MYSTERIOUS IN WAYS THST I THINK WE CANNOT GRASP THIS SIDE OF HEAVEN BETWEEN HIS FORST  TIME AS THE HUMBLE SERVANT King, next as judge in All His glory surrounding! 
People who do not believe certainly will if they miss the Rapture and are too legalistic they cannot believe this truth that Jesus IS ADONAI, ELOHIM! 
Amazing love( amazing grace)
Amen! ☺️😍😁❤️❤️

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Historicity of Moses and the Exodus"

"Secular Egyptologists are increasingly admitting that their dating of ancient Egyptian history is in shambles. Some are  declaring that the Bible should be given more serious consideration as our best - and only - historical record of events surrounding the HEBREWS. A new documentary called'Patterns of Evidence', soon to be released, will give Bible believers confirmation in their confidence that Moses's account of the Exodus is historical - just as the writers of the New Testament, and Jesus Himself ( Luke16:31), affirmed.