Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The deadly lie of the hyper-grace doctrine

Another false, deadly doctrine made up by our pride:' above all else, men seek power and control, so they rationalize the fact that they are basically "spitting in God's face" as it were, to 1) make-up such a godless doctrine to begin with, which mocks Jesus' gruesome torture and death to pay for OUR SINS, as HE WAS SINLESS, as NOBODY ELSE EVER WAS: NOBODY-as supported by Scripture.

 Hyper-grace is professing "Christians" who, most likely, have no true relationship with our Lord Jesus. A true love for the Lord would prohibit them from a lifestyle revolving around "self" and "what's in it for me?'; living life THEIR WAY instead of how GOD commands that we, as true followers of Christ should live. Though, to be clear, lest someone take MY words out of context, being saved is not achieved by the "law"; following some man-made list of do's and dont's. Indeed we MUST have that "second birth" in our heart and souls, to be born again, as Jesus explained in John 3:3,7,16-21. And Paul taught us that "in Christ" we DO have grace and liberty; but that grace IS NOT CHEAP, we were bought with the price of Jesus' blood who laid down His life, ONCE FOR ALL, To be the substitute, to die in our stead; His death brought down the barrier between God and man so that now, through faith by grace, we can boldly come before God's throne of grace OURSELVES, without a HUMAN MEDIATOR; for Christ Himself is now mediator between God and man and He is our Great High Priest who intercedes for those who belong to Him and brings our prayers before the Father!

 And relationship NOT religion is CRUCIAL TO GET; Works DO NOT SAVE (i.e. church attendance, communion, baptism, penance, confession, etc) Christ makes this VERY clear in the Scriptures! If we have a true relationship with Jesus, we should be "confessing" on a daily basis before Him and we are promised forgiveness in 1 John 1:9-10 "If we confess our sins, He is FAITHFUL and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us." Note the absence of ANY MENTION of having to go through some fallible, sinful "man" to receive forgiveness from our sins, by doing penance? Penance is described in the Oxford Dictionary of English as; 1) punishment inflicted upon oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing and 2)a "sacrament" (as defined by man), in which a member of the church "confesses sins to a priest and is "given absolution" and 3)a religious observance or other DUTY REQUIRED of a person BY a priest as part of this "sacrament" to indicate repentance. Really? Are they serious? 

Talk about two extremes; Hyper-grace, which treats Jesus' sacrifice with arrogance and pride and the absence of grace, being lost in the darkness of religion and legalism, also steeped in man's pride!Legalism kills grace and twists Scripture to make it line up with their agenda and man's tradition, especially given that we see no hint of this "legalism" in the New Testament coupled with Jesus' own "hatred" of man's religion and traditions. PLUS, the book of Hebrews makes it clear that we now need NO OTHER mediator but our Lord Himself. And Paul states in 1 Timothy 2:5-6,"For there is ONE GOD, and there is ONE MEDIATOR between God and men, the man Christ Jesus who gave Himself as a RANSOM FOR ALL which is the testimony given at the proper time." In these days in which we find ourselves, we need to be like the Berean believers who in Acts 17:11 are commended for being more fair minded than those in Thessalonica--because not only were they eager to receive the Word, but the Bereans also checked it against what the Apostle Paul taught them in order to see if his teaching was according to the Scriptures! And that is EXACTLY what we the church need to do-desperately, with SO many "professing Christians" being Biblically illiterate, they can quickly be "carried about by every wind of doctrine. We MUST KNOW THE TRUTH TO WALK IN IT! But also, while we cannot put the God of all creation in a box, we live in the times Jesus spoke of in Matt 24, and indeed, there is great deception out there now, as never before, and growing daily, and that growth will only continue to rise, so we need 

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