Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dr. Michael Brown debates Dr. James White on Predestination
Dr. Michael Brown debates Dr. James White on Predestination, etc

I found Dr. Whites presentation almost insulting in his attitude towards Dr. Brown, as if Calvinism is the be all and end all, which seems to be a COMMON attitude among Calvinists, with all due respect, an almost, "We're the chosen and we know best" divisive attitude that Dr. Brown is working so hard to fight. It "feels" like it's a "we know better" about God AND Scripture as well, really guys? Better than the God who wrote and breathed out every word? God is totally sovereign as Dr. Brown explained respectfully and knowledgeably. I found Dr. White  condescending, nor did I find anything that Dr. Brown Said that would somehow "limit" God, as Dr. White suggested. God is absolutely all-knowing, all-powerful, and I find Dr. Brown humble and trusting that sovereign God. I don't know that Dr. Brown was making the argument that God is trying to save every single person, though the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice are sufficient, Scripture shows that not ALL will be saved. The wrath of God DOES exist, but Dr. White seemed to intimate that we as believers are open to that wrath, though Scripture clearly tells us different; first there is now NO Condemnation FOR THOSE IN CHRIST JESUS-Rom 8:1 and "Since we have now been justified by His blood, how much more shall we be saved FROM GOD'S WRATH FROM HIM!"-Romans 5:9 Forgiveness then, CAN be offered, though not all WILL BE saved. And God takes NO PLEASURE in the death of the wicked.-Ezekiel 18:32. A Calvinist, it seems, EVERY time I hear them, must dance around and do as lot of Scripture "gymnastics" to make Scripture fit "their" theology instead of God's word supporting them. Dr. Brown takes the Scripture plainly as God meant it, where I hear and see so much dancing around with "Calvinists", again, no disrespect intended, just something that really STANDS OUT! God knows everything BECAUSE HE IS GOD AND HE IS SOVEREIGN.PERIOD. Calvinism confuses meaning, structure, and PUTS GOD IN A BOX, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!  Dr. White's attitude seemed very condescending towards Dr. Brown, who is a respected scholar in his own right.Seemed like Man's arrogance on display once again, which is my whole issue with Calvinism, the pride I continually see, hear and have seen too much of, really. Dr. Brown's simple acceptance of God as who HE IS and his trust in God's word that the Lord wrote for the common man to not only read but to understand seems so foreign to Dr. White as if from another world. It seems that Dr. White MUST BE RIGHT, and Dr. Brown has that child-like faith that Jesus asks of us. Paul said to avoid pointless arguments that revolve around man's pride. Pride seems ALWAYS present with Calvinists. They MUST argue, and they MUST BE RIGHT ALL THE TIME. Very wearisome. I go back to the rule of Scripture interpretation that I heard from a very wise sage, a Jewish scholar who is an expert in the Old Testament Scriptures and beyond,"If the literal sense makes plain sense, seek no other sense so you don't end up with nonsense." Well put professor. Now, in the last session between Dr. Brown and Dr. White, Dr. White was almost beside himself pushing Dr. Brown saying things like, "Oh, you're almost there my friend!" as if Calvinism is the Great Theology of all the ages to which we all would adhere to if we only had the sense that the Calvinists do.If it's SO wonderful, why  did John Calvin build his own little "Vatican city" in Geneva, Switzerland, and kill people who wouldn't believe his TULIP theology? ANY Men thinking they are like God has gone too far too often. Michael Brown is an activist who fights for the pure truth of the Scripture, and I stand behind men like him, because they remind me most of our Lord Jesus, with childlike faith in God's word that sophisticated "scholars like Dr. White scoff at. Well, scoff away, it's just NOT that complicated. God didn't mean for it to be; man has made it that way with his pride and arrogance; still falling for that first Satanic lie, "Has God really said...?" YES, HE DID, AND HE MEANS WHAT HE SAYS AND SAYS WHAT HE MEANS! So we should quit adding to it and subtracting from it to make it fit our particular theology; and it's always some MAN"S theology..anyone else notice that? Dr. Brown seems to get it. And I don't think he was arguing against ALL points of Calvinism, just ones that don't line up with Scripture, like the late Dave Hunt fought for all his life, down to his last breath. Yeah, the "Calvinists" did NOT appreciate his TULIP book refuting the 5 points of Calvinism and showing pretty clearly WHY it doesn't line up with Scripture. That is why Dave Hunt's Ministry is called The Berean Call, after the Bereans in the book of Acts who were commended for ALWAYS checking what they heard with Scripture to see if it lined up, EVEN listening to Paul! WE SHOULD ALL BE DOING THAT TODAY WITH SO MUCH DECEPTION RUNNING RAMPANT!

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