Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kiss The Thorn

I'm called to come and die before Your wounded feet, to offer You the adoration that actually BLESSES ME through giving all to You. To believe Your word and THAT You will care for me all of my life. So ends all cause of strife, we simply haven't got a long enough life to take salvation lightly as if it's really not true....the mass delusion already well entrenched that if we're just better than the worst you could imagine; the sin of unbelief goes deeper still, the doors of Heaven stand closed before you which you were so cocky sure that God would be lucky to have you, to have us??Can you not see the kiss of Judas??For that is how you treat Him, as if He's answerable of ANY MAN!!HE IS IN TOTAL CONTROL AND TOTAL COMMAND! And your stubborn unbelief that holds you from being set free? Ask Him for help! Finally let this world free and turn to Him as the prodigal. You know that He is always watching for the first step back, and Behold!; He's always had your back! 
To kiss the thorn that mars the roses perfect beauty. To kiss the very rose that punctures frail flesh and bone, to know that pain of feeling so alone. Yet I know by faith that You will never waste our tears and You stand always at my side, ready to carry my burdens which I lack the strength to do! But alas, all Your works are wonderful; see the rainbow in the thick black clouds as a never - to happen again promise, which You always, ALWAYS KEEP! Yea though we are as sheep who so easily wander back into that sinful world, prone to wander from Your gentle love. When we truly see You and the Father above, will we not be filled to overflowing with Your agape love for it only comes from You? And it's the only truth! Yet so many are falling away, just as You said they would, before Your day of return, remember and come awake children of The Holy One!  Who loved the world SO MUCH that You sent Your Son, decided by the Godhead before the creation! Sent to free us from the shackles of sin, that as we grow and learn of you, we begin to understand that You require our life, and all whom we look to to look upon no more. I will worship You my king, at Your feet I bow and humbly offer all that I have. All is Yours and my soul You shall keep, especially in the deep, especially in the deep.Though another world wide flood will ne'er happen again, You know well the fickle hearts of men...the flood that covered the world will not come to pass again. But still, at Your word a great fire will destroy both Heaven and earth, which should be enough to bring many to their knees first in worship and praise, it's YOUR NAME TO BE LIFTED HIGH, YOUR TEARS THAT FLOW FROM MY EYES AT THE EVIL THAT HAS TAKEN FULL CONTROL, though never believe a counterfeits lies, God is in control of ALL THAT IS, that was, and is to come, mercy and amazing grace set forth by the Son...a second birth; a Spiritual birth that brings new life, and promises throughout Your proven word that indeed You will come again, as surely as You did at first, indeed, how can you doubt?Did you not see Him bleed, hanging on a cursed tree, all for us! We MUST OPEN BLIND EYES AND CLOSED EARS FOR WHO CANNOT GRASP WHAT NOW IS IN PLAIN SIGHT, the worlds system reporting every rocket to rain down upon Your people! Help them know dear Lord, please help them to see; What WILL BE,  Surely, surely tell All who you can reach. Soon all will find it silly to believe, but before you grieve, see what's right in front of me, oh God let the blind and deaf both hear and see....OH MAN! How can you even question the divine? To blame Him for your fall from grace, when you've purged from your own heart and soul the doctrine of sharing in His sufferings built into His creation, from every tribe, tongue and nation...and you don't even seem to care whether He's with you or not, or reckon your sin, the enemy has you smile....all the while~
You are holy My Lord, and I long to be filled with the agape love that was seen in You please fill us too! Throughout Your tenure here on earth; the giver of the second chance; the deliverer of the second birth; to be filled with and covered by the grace and mercy You so easily shared, even when all turned their backs, You never did, You never will. It can be quite the journey it's the truth to tell! Love Jesus for ALL HE'S SAID and done! Isn't dying for you upon a cursed tree, prophesied to be thousands of years before He ever came, you see?
When all is said and done only those who stand with Christ will stand at all! See? Gods word proved yet just again that God loves me for who I am, but TOO MUCH to leave me tattered and torn. At His perfect name I become newly born!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lay down in green pastures, and He leads me beside the still waters; Peace that surpasses all understanding, too mysterious for us to grasp...
But we need only to ask...I'm walking through the valley of death...wondering how much of me that will be the end, Your Great glory will shine through, cutting the night in two...And all the living and dead will see Your truth O God...You lead me and guide me, in the end...only YOU, YESHUA, can set us eternally free...let it be...let it be, oh merciful One so true, do what Only You,can do...and make me just like You...Just like You...Ami.Amen.
Don't you find that when you're feeling low on faith, but then when we turn our long-burdened hearts towards worship offered up to The Lord in Spirit and in truth. When we offer up our sacrifice of praise, when we're engaged out of Love for Him and that desire that believers have to see our King, get lost in His love!