Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Michelle Y Secord

It is by Your grace through faith alone
that I will foreverstand...
Help me hide Your word deep within
that I might not sin against you;
or ever cause another to blaspheme
Your mighty, holy name that stands above all others;
And to this end may I live my life submitted 
completely unto You and for YOUR glory and NO ONE ELSE'S!
Help me die to all my selfish desires and hidden sins
Dying to this world which has nothing of eternal value,
Except that which is done for the Lord and for His glory
He is the Creator God, He gets to write the story...
Indeed, He already has, but many spend their lives void and
With only themselves and their fame in mind;
Lord, O God! Save me I pray from EVER being of that kind!
May Your beloved Holy Spirit fill me until I overflow,
That others might see your light when they look at me
Let my life be filled with Your love and grace;
though through this learning process will include many falls upon my face;
Most of all sweet,sweet Lord, fill me with YOUR grace!


He Was Pierced For Our Transgressions
"Behold, My servant shall act wisely; He shall be high and lifted up,
And shall be exalted. AS many were astonished at you-
His appearance was SO marred, BEYOND HUMAN SEMBLANCE,
And His form beyond that of the children of men..

I wonder: Have you ever really just pondered these two little verses packed with SO much truth? Jesus Messiah was God's chosen "servant" to make a way for men and God to be re-united.
But how often do we ponder the DEPTH of suffering Jesus endured to set us free from our sin and shame! Yet many claim to be "Christians" but you would never know it by the lives they live Monday through Sunday, a lot like the lost, which the lost notice, and then that could very probably keep your lost neighbor from EVER knowing Christ, because there is NO difference between the way The "Christian" lives and the lost. So what, I humbly ask, would be the reason they would #1 take YOUR faith seriously and #2 EVER say yes when asked to go to church or some other event with you.
Why? Because you have NO WITNESS beloved!

So, though none of us is perfect as long as we are in this flesh,
The Lord STILL promises to keep us from temptations to sin if we but turn to Him, yet we continue to push Him away. Do that enough and He just might stay away. If you ARE Born again, truly, then you are NOT your own.
You were bought with Jesus precious holy blood and dare we take that so lightly? Do we continue to mock Him and remove His name from every corner
of this once great country and actually think we will get away
With it? Or the MURDER of 50million+ innocent babies deemed too "inconvenient" for the mother. Although with younger patients the problem is they are afraid and confused, and nobody is really clear about the horrors that await, or the depression that can hit years after wards like a F5 tornado, ripping the heart out of your body WITH NO WARNING!!!
Thank God for His Son for there is forgiveness to be found through Christ
and He's great with broken hearts. I DO question those who have had MULTIPLE ABORTIONS,  THUS MURDERING MULTIPLE CHILDREN, though there is forgiveness for the worst in all of us, but do they seriously NOT know about protection? I MEAN...Really? The horror OF ONE WASN'T ENOUGH?

BUT...the holocaust in America MUST STOP. I agree that a woman has a right to HER body but absolutely NOT to her unborn child's body! And the lies and propaganda put out by the pro-abortion side are lies at best. One thing I DO KNOW, God judges nations that knowingly spill innocent blood! Mark my words! And pray, please pray for the Holy Spirit to help you see the REAL story hidden behind innocence on air. Time to stop all of that right?