Saturday, November 29, 2014


For most CHRISTIANS, they do not know anything about true love for and reverence for Christ, mans only One that can save and that we can  often miss the truth and Misjudge the perception
that waiting on the Lords timing can feel excruciatingly long, pointless to those without a solid relationship with The Father, which is of maximum importance. It's a test of our faith in the Lord, which we cannot fail and then expect that all things will go our way or that God will honor a very obvious lack of any true faith. As it says in His word, we cannot drum up this kind of faith ON our own, period! THROUGH the Lord and in a true response to His promises, faith comes by hearing and truly responding without fear of being ignored or let down by God Himself. If we " feel" letdown, we must understand that the enemy of our souls comes ONLY to kill, destroy and steal our faith becsuse he( Satan) when all"feels" hopeless and our goals destroyed. That is why one of the most dangerous things to faith are our lying " feelings!" We are faced with a great need to walk by faith, indeed to succeed in our faith, & unless we will read and memorize as much as possible, actually BELIEVE BY FAITH that GOD does NOT PLAY  games with those that are truly His or with anybody for that matter; through a deliberate and mutual relationship with the Father that only comes through a deep love and always growing love relationship with Jesus Christ, the ONLY DOOR TO HEAVEN; born out of proven truth and evidence that Gods word is TRUTH! ( see John14:6; we tend to want to see BEFORE WE WILL BELIEVE. The problem with that kind of unbelief, is you're never going to take a risk and believe due to the proven veracity and truths in Gods word, which God has protected from mans destruction and blatant lies. The just shall live by faith, NOT fluctuating feelings that more often than not lie to us, and are also easily manipulated by the enemy of all men's souls, Satan himself. 
So in closing, true faith is a gift from God, one which He honors and helps us so that it grows. This requires, on our part, a solid belief in His word and His many promises, which we are able to trust without fear, when we are doing our part by trusting and obeying His word. So We DO LEARN TO TRUST by obeying without doubting, and watching Jesus make those promises in His word,& actions come to pass! Not only will it deepen your faith but give us all the courage to step out in faith in the promises! 
Amen! Believe, trust and obey!  

Monday, November 24, 2014


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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Salvation

For I have seen thy salvation, and the glory of my great God;
His light does shine from deep within, beautiful Shiloh come to save....
The King of all creation & maker of the heavens born in lowly cave;
The very Word of God Himself, now become a helpless babe...
The precious Son of God, rescue all mankind from the hand of death & from the grave
He who knit each of us together in our mothers wombs, would now be knit Himself into the Son of Man; the Eternal God....seed of Abraham; indeed the Great I AM; 

Oh Lord, we love You true; how can mere man find the words to say thank You???
For all that You did on Calvary; for all mankind & for all of me.yeah; for all You did on Calvary
And Lord, it's getting darker, Your people hated once again...just because they're You were You were too...

Because You're coming back again, though we don't know exactly when, but we remember what You taught way back then
About the signs of the times You said be wise; to stay alert and with open eyes, to remember the tears You cried, to hear yourself denied...You were were die....but we know why

Born as lowly babe; Laid in a manger stall in a cold, dark dreary cave
But some knew who You were by the words You wrote in time; they saw Forever Mine,
Yah, they saw Forever Mine, and they knew it was time for You to come by the very words you gave....

And so appeared as helpless child; lowly Jesus, so meek and mild...
But do you not know; have you never heard? Meek means great strength controlled and held steady; 
But due to be revealed in the fullness of time; I will be His & He will be mine...Bride and groom made ready.....

The babe grew into a man so strong with His Godly Glory veiled...but smoldering ever inside...
For our God is The Consuming Fire, He's the gift for all mankind; indeed; No Other Savior will you ever find...

So throw away your idols, little gods with lying wonders; to confuse and to deceive;
Man and His religion  leads to living death with nothin' left; spiritually in Hell forever; all in the dark together...screaming out their lies together.....screaming b'cause they'll never leave.....and because there is ne'r a reprieve...

Still rejoice in the babe born in that cave, and be grateful for the gift He gave
And my eyes have seen my salvation, and His name's Emmanuel
For He gave His life in place of mine, but look up O man and see His glory shine;
But look up O man....and see His glory shine...

Saturday, November 8, 2014


In our days of "easy believism" and the increasing popularity moving many to the lies and spiritual adultery; people leaving behind a TRUE LOVE FOR CHRIST in favor of RELIGION, Gods incredible grace is being mis-taught and buried under a plethora of mans traditions, works, and the "I am my own god" lie. 
This is what this poem addresses, or one of them at the moment! I pray it will bless/enlighten many!

MAY 23, 2002








Separation of Christianity and State | Answers in Genesis

Separation of Christianity and State | Answers in Genesis
Especially as so many, sadly, r unaware of this truth. our increasingly secular society, inundated with moral apathy and acceptance of what is evil in Gods eyes and calling what was once good and godly, into something evil, and according to our godless society, which will continue to break down, True Christianity versus Mans RELIGIONS (many of these using "Christian" in the least way possible.
Biblical Christianity becomes more offensive as culture implodes from within, as happened in ancient Rome, who never quite die totally but was brought down from the inside, its godless society, combined with its slaughter of Christs Bride (the church), as well as Gods chosen people; destroyed from within the powerful Roman Empire, which had two legs as prophesied in the book of Daniel; one is now Europe but the SECOND leg was the Middle East! 
That fact is re-opening eyes and hearts as Daniel also was told by Gabriel that the books clear meaning will become more evident "in the last days."
Heads up folks, that's right what we're in the middle of! 

So take heart, educate yourselves as God commands!

Thursday, October 23, 2014



God’s people perish for lack of knowledge,
Because they have rejected the Truth;
They choose man’s word
Increasingly over Your own,
There is sin upon sin
And they break all bounds
Innocence falls and hits the ground…
People have forgotten the Laws of the Lord
Still the Word remains a double-edged sword
It will turn back against their heads
Their lies will leave them dead
Because they have forsaken the Lord,
To cherish their sin…
They will never win…
There is no faithfulness or steadfast love
And no knowledge of God in the land,
No one understands…the judgment to come
The Lord will soon return for His own
For those who have refused to turn and repent
There will be nowhere to go…
They will be left alone…
Utterly alone…
If only they would have known?
God has made His way and His Path clearly known!
So much grace poured out and shown
The Truth has been clearly known
It is Jesus and Jesus alone
Exclusive yes! But open to everyone!!!

And the Lamb says “Come”…

Sunday, October 12, 2014

"From our mouths, and James is addressing believers; "brethren," we curse AND BLESS, with the SAME MOUTH! And our churches? Instead of being concerned about the many sick, bedridden, panic- ridden, broken isolated Church members we r adrift just wanting to  feel like we belong! Yes, I'm one of the "hidden hurting ones" I'll call us. We are cast aside, left alone, not visited and maligned by those whose JOB AS CHRISTIANS is to LOVE! We're doing the OPPOSITE. Didn't Jesus meet people where they were, He gained the trust of those on the fringes of society because that's EXACTLY WHAT JESUS DID! He meets us at our point of need. How many of us on the fringes due to chronic illness ever FEEL LOVED by our "well" sisters and brothers? I would venture to say very few and that is SO SAD! And NO EXPLANATIONS CAN EXCUSE THIS! Unfortunately, in our scary increasingly eugenics based society, the weak and infirm have no voice in the church! Does anyone take note of our not being there enough times for MAYBE SOMEBODY to take note? Place a phone call, drop a card in the mail? Visit? I mean I'm an independent person comfortable in just my own presence, but I need to know that I MATTER😔!
Too many churches do not have ANY PROGRAM to address this growing issue; as society ages, as our vets return with PTSD but everyone ignores thembecause they're  too"needy" Seriously???
If We as Christians will not reach out to " the least of these" then WHO WILL?? This government that lies to us with a straight face and won't deal with ANY HARD ISSUES( cowards all, and greedy ones many of them at that) America, once so grand and so blessed, now embracing the theology of eugenics which says "let us RID OURSELVES OF THOSE WHO CINTRIBUTE NOTHING, the weakest and most vulnerable are now our unborn babies because it's just not convenient. And do they hear ANY REAL ADVICE from PP EXCEPT ABORTION as the ONLY way to deal with the "unwanted child"! UNWANTED???Do we EVER STOP TO PONDER how many couples, in a healthy TRADITIONAL FAMILY UNIT AS MADE BY GOD OUR CREATOR( whether u acknowledge Him or not does not change the laws of a holy, righteous Only True God! ORTHE REALITYOF HIS PROVEN EXISTENCE!) The GREATEST SIN that man perpetrates upon his Creator is UNBELIEF; A REFUSAL TO BELIEVE The OBVIOUS TRUTH OF GOD COME DOWN TO EARTH; The Sending of God as a helpless infant tells us that we serve a BIG POWERFUL LOVING GOD. 

He sent His Son to suffer and die at the hands of selfish mankind for THEIR SINS, and those include OUR SINS AS WELL! Think On That! No...REALLY THINK! Even while we were sinning, when we were His enemies, He CHOSE to LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR THE SINS OF THE ONES HE HAD AND WOULD DIE FOR( Romans 5:8)How's THAT FOR HIS PROOF OF LOVEVFOR SINFUL MANKIND. And despite the naive Pollyanna vision that some teach saying that ALL the world will be converted to Christianity before Christ returns to this world made ready FOR GOD BY MAN???Man, read your Bibles, you WILL NOT FIND THAT BELIEF THAT U ESPOUSE!  It's too ludicrous to fathom and there is NO BIBLICAL GROUNDS TO TEACH AND/ OR BELIEVE SUCH NONSENSE. In fact the Bible paints an increasingly downward spiral of mankind into a complete depravity previously known to man, indeed worse than the depravity of Rome and ANY RELIGION that teaches we can do our " own thing" and live as sinfully as we want yet then get angry when they r warned of not going to Heaven r/t their love of self first, others after and God is MAYBE an afterthought. And their mouths profane Gods precious name. Jesus DOES NOT KNOW YOU! O man, we MUST REPENT AND TURN BACK TO THE ONLY GOD WHO CAN GIVE US WHAT WE DESPERATELYVNEED; FORGIVENESS AND WALKING WITH GOD IN CHRIST JESUS! 

ANYWAY, sorry I went off topic. Since my stroke I don't recognize that I'm doing this! So I beg your pardon and rejoice in your patience! 
My premise is that the hurting in our churches needs to become a priority and sometimes, I would gather a guess that it's mostly those who NEED to be ministered to are the ones reaching out and suggesting the ministry to the hopeless, those who battle 24/7 chronic pain that can get so bad that I wonder how we can hurt so badly and still be alive! Because we hurt, and usually with more than one thing to consider, we're passed around like a really bad snack tray to different people, many without a clue how to coined the hurting, which is never "just physical" or "just emotional", no, we get the awkward silences if we bring it up at all, and the numb just ignore! 
So, isn't it PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that in a time when people need legit Biblical guidance by SOMEONE WHOS LIVED WITH PAIN THEMSELVES OR KNOWS ABOUT IT BEYOND COLLEGE TEXTS ABD WORLDLY PROFS! How can a ( I don't care how smart or relying on their great college grades in Biblical counseling ( which requires a grace that few have); that young of a person can surely intern to learn and be an assistant, but u don't put a book smart only person in charge of your counseling dept then turn the blame on the HURTING rather than do what's right tho they may lie some about a need to impress and perform. But answer this, how does a world picture "innocent" help a man in his 60's with His marital problems??? It's hard enuf to ask for help becuz it MUST BE YOUR LACK OF FAITH CAUSING UR ISSUES AND INSANE Daily  PAIN. 
Now, this is NOT A BLANKET CONDEMNATION OF ALL CHURCHES, but most have a gaping hole where a good ministry to reach out to our hurting and being INCLUSIVE can rock a world. I cannot begin to imagine what it would feel like to be held. To be encouraged or visited yet it seems that the weakest among us will be the catalyst to provide good, Biblical support to a broken,fed up soul! 
One can only tolerate so much isolation and cold silence. And collectively I believe that we want to stand together and shout WHY??? As loud as possible! Is someone offering to be a leader in starting a benevolent/ encouragement/ grieving ministry? Even tho they may not make it to church on a regular basis, the one leading the charge should be given the chsnce. We are not saved through doing "things" for God no matter how many churches teach this false Gospel of "works salvation which really is no salvation. Religion only kills, it DOES NOT SAVE! Only true faith in the sacrifice of our Savior, and your acknowledgement that ONLY HIS SACRIFICE SAVES US & Drop the  FALSE TEACHINGS OF MAN WILL YOU BE SAVED, or not! Your choice 
BOTTOM LINE? We need to love the weak among us or we betray our Lord in a hurtful way, He LOVES US and commands us to go and love like He did and so we are compelled! But by love, not sacrifice."
-Michelle Secord
Waves of Grace Ministry

Friday, October 10, 2014


Are you living by grace or by works? When we live by grace, we fulfill Gods precious word. When we insist on following mans laws and mans traditions we are not following God, we are following self. When we die to ourselves, then AND ONLY THEN, we are following Jesus Christ and His word, and He demands, righteously, demands COMPLETE OBEDIENCE, not just what we pick and choose from Gods Holy Word. Gods word has proven itself in thousands of prophecies that have been very literally fulfilled down to the smallest detail, over and over again. Gods word proves itself even through EXTRABIBLICAL HISTORY that lines up up with the Bible accounts of battles, kings, etc. And archeological evidence almost daily gives the Bible it's literal truth! So how can we, in good conscience, call the Bible false and not His holy, inerrant word. People will judge the Bible that it's untrue when, greater than ANY OTHER ANCIENT WORK, we have hundreds of ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS; a claim that NO OTHER ANCIENT LITERARY WORK CAN CLAIM! Yet, people persist in unbelief, or taking great liberty with Gods word, removing key truths so that the Word Makes clear as truths not to be changed OR NOT BELIEVED! We do so at our own risk, playing with Gods word is playing with ones eternal destiny. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


"I have come to set the world on fire; and I wish that it were already burning! I have a terrible baptism of suffering( His cup of suffering); ahead of Me, and I AM under a heavy burden until IT IS ACCOMPLISHED( redemptions plan)! Do you think that I have comr to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! From now on, families will be split apart, three in favor of Me, and two against, or two in favor and three against." - Luke 12:49-52

Psalm 119; a Tribute to Gods Holy Word

Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet thy commandments are my delights. Fall in love with Gods word and You will find Him faithful!

We are Blessed when we walk on Gods narrow road

The "I wills" and "I shall" throughout the holy Scriptures bring endless hope for all who belong to the Father through our saving RELATIONSHIP with His Son, Christ. Just ponder a moment to wonder how many times does the LORD uses " I will" and " I shall" usually in comforting US. Reminding us that He will NEVER LEAVE US OR FORSAKE US, which is incredibly cool isn't it? That we, sin filled humans are SO IMPORTANT TO GOD THAT HE MADE US "Just a little lower than the angels! Who are we that He loves us SO MUCH that He made us HIS OWN, The Church, set apart as distinct and special in that all who believe in Christ since the day of Pentecost are "THE BRIDE OF CHRIST!" No other group of believers are given that distinction of being the "Bride of Christ" save all who believe now and in these 2000+ years since Christ was first here. Ponder that fact in your quiet place. Ponder the priveledge! WOW! Isn't it AMAZING?....Just like Jesus! AMAZING GRACE, AMAZING LOVE! 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What do You Do?

'What do you do when your love gets old, and all you feel is cold, and you're just not quite so sure that your faith will hold? Call out His name, yeah...Call out His name...
What do we do when our faith is small and we stand looking up at a too tall wall?
We call out Your name Jesus, yeah, we call out your name...
And we learn that it's better to be last in the race when you've hit each ball out of reach
And we learn that it's better to make God cheer you on, versus any praise that's just a voice in the  wind, and quickly gone
We call Your name, we sing your praise, we come to you with voices raised...
And there is no shame, and we shout Your name to the never-ending sky
Never to say goodbye, but only til next time! For I am Yours and by grace through faith, You are mine...
And I will sing Your praise and call out Your name...
For You never change but remain the same, yeah, remain the same....
And oh sweet Lord, I call Your name...oh yeah...I call Your name....

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Rapture of the Church

I have been deeply troubled by the increasing attacks against the TRUE TIMING IN THE BIBLE FOR A PRE-Trib Rapture. The increasingly vocal stand against this truth has really been amped up, especially noted in the last 12-24 months. The opponents to this Biblical truth are getting more arrogant and rude in their treatment of the millions who DO UNDERSTAND THIS PRE-Trib Rapture. They will point out that we who hold to the pre-Trib doctrine are under a mass delusion, thus twisting Gods word to make it fit into " our" position. I suggest the opposite, the attacks on this pre-Trib rapture are the ones not only deceived, but losing the discernment with which the Holy Spirit bears witness to the truth, and confirms, along with denies th 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kiss The Thorn

I'm called to come and die before Your wounded feet, to offer You the adoration that actually BLESSES ME through giving all to You. To believe Your word and THAT You will care for me all of my life. So ends all cause of strife, we simply haven't got a long enough life to take salvation lightly as if it's really not true....the mass delusion already well entrenched that if we're just better than the worst you could imagine; the sin of unbelief goes deeper still, the doors of Heaven stand closed before you which you were so cocky sure that God would be lucky to have you, to have us??Can you not see the kiss of Judas??For that is how you treat Him, as if He's answerable of ANY MAN!!HE IS IN TOTAL CONTROL AND TOTAL COMMAND! And your stubborn unbelief that holds you from being set free? Ask Him for help! Finally let this world free and turn to Him as the prodigal. You know that He is always watching for the first step back, and Behold!; He's always had your back! 
To kiss the thorn that mars the roses perfect beauty. To kiss the very rose that punctures frail flesh and bone, to know that pain of feeling so alone. Yet I know by faith that You will never waste our tears and You stand always at my side, ready to carry my burdens which I lack the strength to do! But alas, all Your works are wonderful; see the rainbow in the thick black clouds as a never - to happen again promise, which You always, ALWAYS KEEP! Yea though we are as sheep who so easily wander back into that sinful world, prone to wander from Your gentle love. When we truly see You and the Father above, will we not be filled to overflowing with Your agape love for it only comes from You? And it's the only truth! Yet so many are falling away, just as You said they would, before Your day of return, remember and come awake children of The Holy One!  Who loved the world SO MUCH that You sent Your Son, decided by the Godhead before the creation! Sent to free us from the shackles of sin, that as we grow and learn of you, we begin to understand that You require our life, and all whom we look to to look upon no more. I will worship You my king, at Your feet I bow and humbly offer all that I have. All is Yours and my soul You shall keep, especially in the deep, especially in the deep.Though another world wide flood will ne'er happen again, You know well the fickle hearts of men...the flood that covered the world will not come to pass again. But still, at Your word a great fire will destroy both Heaven and earth, which should be enough to bring many to their knees first in worship and praise, it's YOUR NAME TO BE LIFTED HIGH, YOUR TEARS THAT FLOW FROM MY EYES AT THE EVIL THAT HAS TAKEN FULL CONTROL, though never believe a counterfeits lies, God is in control of ALL THAT IS, that was, and is to come, mercy and amazing grace set forth by the Son...a second birth; a Spiritual birth that brings new life, and promises throughout Your proven word that indeed You will come again, as surely as You did at first, indeed, how can you doubt?Did you not see Him bleed, hanging on a cursed tree, all for us! We MUST OPEN BLIND EYES AND CLOSED EARS FOR WHO CANNOT GRASP WHAT NOW IS IN PLAIN SIGHT, the worlds system reporting every rocket to rain down upon Your people! Help them know dear Lord, please help them to see; What WILL BE,  Surely, surely tell All who you can reach. Soon all will find it silly to believe, but before you grieve, see what's right in front of me, oh God let the blind and deaf both hear and see....OH MAN! How can you even question the divine? To blame Him for your fall from grace, when you've purged from your own heart and soul the doctrine of sharing in His sufferings built into His creation, from every tribe, tongue and nation...and you don't even seem to care whether He's with you or not, or reckon your sin, the enemy has you smile....all the while~
You are holy My Lord, and I long to be filled with the agape love that was seen in You please fill us too! Throughout Your tenure here on earth; the giver of the second chance; the deliverer of the second birth; to be filled with and covered by the grace and mercy You so easily shared, even when all turned their backs, You never did, You never will. It can be quite the journey it's the truth to tell! Love Jesus for ALL HE'S SAID and done! Isn't dying for you upon a cursed tree, prophesied to be thousands of years before He ever came, you see?
When all is said and done only those who stand with Christ will stand at all! See? Gods word proved yet just again that God loves me for who I am, but TOO MUCH to leave me tattered and torn. At His perfect name I become newly born!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want; He makes me lay down in green pastures, and He leads me beside the still waters; Peace that surpasses all understanding, too mysterious for us to grasp...
But we need only to ask...I'm walking through the valley of death...wondering how much of me that will be the end, Your Great glory will shine through, cutting the night in two...And all the living and dead will see Your truth O God...You lead me and guide me, in the end...only YOU, YESHUA, can set us eternally free...let it be...let it be, oh merciful One so true, do what Only You,can do...and make me just like You...Just like You...Ami.Amen.
Don't you find that when you're feeling low on faith, but then when we turn our long-burdened hearts towards worship offered up to The Lord in Spirit and in truth. When we offer up our sacrifice of praise, when we're engaged out of Love for Him and that desire that believers have to see our King, get lost in His love!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


When one begins to learn and respect the work of the Jewish people in bringing us our Holy Scriptures. Rabbinical oversight, in regards to ones true and lasting salvation, Jesus had this to say to the questioning Apostles. We know from Scripture that Christ's church was NOT JUST STARTED IN THE BOOK OF ACTS, as much as we Gentiles" wanted ALL the glory and recognition for themselves, explaining the basic swap of a former sinner into a new transformed, BORN AGAIN  CHRISTIAN more about THE CHURCH ALONE, AS IF ANYPLACE WE DEEM HOLY is considered that way by God, and so the elements of the remembrance of even the Lords supper, where He's Clearly speaking of making that " last remembrance so that we would understand, as much as a finite difference in the days leading up to all of us. The day is holy, to commemorate that day forever and not stray from our "FirstLove" of Christ. We MUST remember that the law was nailed to that cross on that Good Friday because Jesus really did die, was buried in the brand new tomb of Joseph of Arimathia, a member of the ruling religious groups, who believed on Christ! And we must remember Nicodemus, who came to Jesus first at night, so as to provide shelter from prying eyes, for Nicodemus was a Pharisee, but apparently had converted before Christ's death, since it was Nicodemus, together with Joseph of Arimathia that go to Pilste to get the necessary red tape, if you will, finished before Sundown that Friday, before Shabbot began.
But back to my premis that The word of God, does not go out without a purpose; always making things come to pass before any of us had even left our mothers womb.God spoke and there was light, God spoke life into being throu His Word, Jesus Christ. God has proven His word time and again through by speaking into existence things which are not! BTW, if UR one who believe that we, as children of God, can do the same, I believe, is taking Gods word and turning it into a lie. Yes, our words can bring forth good, but we aren't  too used to PEOPLE would heal with one word, but His word actually says that people would come to scoff at the "end of mans age on earth is in countdown mode and to prepare, for Christ will come to keep His John 14:3 promise and 1 THESS 5, a deliverance that will most surely cause world-wide chaos, as after any perceived " tragedy" ( which comes to all), people on earth will tell lies, apart from the Gospel to " explain away" the instantaneous disappearance of BILLIONS OF ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS, who have been Raptured or "caught away, seized with power" leaving behind beleaguered folks who THOUGHT THEY HAD DONE ENOUGH, but where are those calculations as to who picks what's good, and how much is "good" enough for a PERFECT HOLY GOD! Is your denomination liturgical, because they're at a great abyss of staying with the lies of all liars, Satan himself....OR...going with "ONLYTHE GOD WHO HAS PROVEN HIMSELF THOUSANDS OF YEARS AND IS 100% True and perfect. No other "faith" has as their founder a KING WHO IS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE TO USHER IN HIS GRACE AND MERCY. WE're about becoming what God, NOT OURSELVES, WANTS. It's about dying to this wasted worldly life that, in the end, will not save one soul. They love the power, control, and the physical healings, choosing mans doctrine versus the truth of Gods word! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Millions wrongly believe that God is done with Israel and has no future plans for His special people, the Jews. All it takes is a serious study of Gods word, the many prophesies that have already been fulfilled since the thousands of years when they were written down THROUGH Gods faithful prophets, most of whom either were beaten repeatedly, thrown into prison or killed. Men (and women, The True God of the Bible uses women as well, don't die excruciating deaths like most of these true martyrs unless they are dying for truth they have ZERO doubts about, and that holds true for all of CHRIST'S apostles and true disciples who gave their lives as well, the only exception being John, whom  maddened the Roman Ceasars because they apparently tried to kill him8 times, including boiling in oil. Of course,we know now that it was so John would be banished to the desolate island of rock called Patmos where Christ revealed the whole of end- days (or Daniels 70th week, so far unfulfilled, inthe REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. PLS note here that it is NOT CALLED Revelations plural, as if there were more than just the one, and it's CHRIST'S Revelation to the world,not Johns. It was up to John to write! And praise God for His consistency from page one of Genesis to the last sentence in Revelation, and His consistent way of fulfilling all prophecy all the way through His Holy writ BOTH SPECIFICALLY & LITERALLYforwards and backwards and sideways for all who foolishly doubt and figure the whole Bible as allegorical, which is patently ridiculous with all of the archeogical evidence being found at amazing places and proving that God wrote the Bible so the regular Joe can read, heed and put it into practice. The RCC SO DID NOT WANT THE COMMON MAN TO KNOW GODS TRUE WORD, they kept it in Latin( no basis in any ancient language curiously enough. And anyone who somehow got hold of the TRUTH and believed Biblically was quite often tortured or killed or both for taking a stand for Christ and His truth we're let's say...not too popular or alive for very long. Wrongdoing always pinned on Gods people, as today we see Israel, the tiniest nation, now again and again being accused of imaginary " war crimes" for things never done, but all in the evil ones plans to further isolate Israel until she stands alone! Meanwhile the UN allows IRANS insane leaders into our country with open arms and proceeds even further into the dark web by letting EXTREME HATE SPEECH to be spewed forth with no one willing to stand for truth, not even the USA under Obama, who has no desire or plan to REALLY. Stand with Israel in her need. That repeated lie should be getting major coverage but Obama has all media except Legit Fox News, who's not afraid to call a liar when he's so PAINFULLY Obvious about His lies, and news mags like Newsmax, The Weekly Std, and the National Review still stand for truth, among a choice few with the guts to provoke the Pres who HATES TRUTH and cannot even convey it if it were in him to try, which he isn't about to do.A Leopard doesn't change it's markings nor does Obama see truth if it were standing right in his face. 
But back to Israel, Biblical prophecies, written thousands of years ago are being filled NOW BEFORE OUR EYES, but only those whom God calls friend can see His truth, Gods warnings in the erratic,unexplainable freak weather patterns, fires, massive floods around the globe, and it ALL AMPING UP as the warnings from God that they are. Ezekial 36 and 37 have been in fulfillment for some time, the Jewish people with unbroken blood lines,being called back to their homeland. The Jews, historically have been the only ones to ever dwell there under Gods protective hand,until they, enmasse, turned to idols and away from the ONE TRUE GOD, even as judgment was prophesied from Isaiah to Jeremiah, Joel, Hosea, Zephaniah  through Zechariah to Micah and Malachi, the prophesies of judgment that were fulfilled with 100% accuracy, were also filled with the promise of Israel's return to the land and their peaceful and prosperous life in the Millennial Reign of Christ ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, with the earth restored to beauty and peace after the 70th week of Daniel, The 7 year terrifying years ( especially the last 31/2 that Christ called The GREAT TRIB, with suffering so intense that it is ended before all of the converted Jews and Trib Gentile believers are completely wiped out. 
Christ legitimized all related Scriptures regarding this time on earth, as is found in the book of Daniel. And Jesus speaks no word that's not backed up in the Bible. And any Jew who refuses to bow their knee is judged to eternity apart from the light and Love of Christ, which is absolutely tragic for whosoever refuses to come to Christ, that's a fools quick path straight to Hell, which  God did not make for people but for the fallen Satan and the 1/3 of the fallen angels who sided with the evil. 
And so ends part one regarding ISRAEL AND HER AWESOME FUTURE, which ALL MIGHT SEEM TOO IMPROBABLE  TO EVEN CONSIDER. But look all the great things God has done for His people, which has only
Served to
Show that we still follow a miracle working God, and He's just getting wound up for tha action  that will bring an end to all as we know it. If you believe in Christ, THERES ANTICIPATION AT THE THOUGHT OF FINALLY SEEING OUR SAVIOR THAT WEVE LONGED FOR. If not, there's still time to believe fullyk and desires our words of love and worship!'

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Lord we come on bended knee, we come to seek Your company. We hold to Your word of truth sweet Yeshua, for they are words of life, eternal life...a place of beauty without hate or spite. Help us to remember this and let me give you one more holy kiss. Do not make us go out unless you are right by our side, oh our sweet King, it's in You that we long to stay, we long to abide. 

May we kiss the rose that holds the thorn, work the darkness out and let us be re-born! 

Hallelujah to our counselor King, Alpha and Omega, creator of everything. Thank you when You let us see any sin that might separate You from me, OH MY LORD! May it NEVER EVER BE, for You are life to me, to us, and we love you so sweet Jesus, strong as a stallion, but strength under control, the real meaning of the oft used " meek" as if You were this weak and frail king...PREPOSTEROUS, FOR ITS A LIE! You are clothed in majesty and power from on high. And now my king , let me lay my weary head on Your Lions strong chest...let me hear Your heart beating, deep within Your holy breast, let me finally have my true home with You, and enter into Your holy rest. Thank You that you hear my child's prayers, though they are nothing to compare...please come so close and hold my hand, I need You to help me if I must stand, and bless You Lord because You really do get me, how FIESTY I can be since the strokes, and You knew I would get tired too, and OH! It's JUST LIKE YOU, to love me that perfect way; & I know You understand every backwards, upside down thing I might say....yet You hear my heart without anger Lord, and a tired heart it is, for my flesh is weak....Your servant handmaiden is so tired Lord, from all the battles And clashing swords, will You not carry me home so that I can finally rest? Forever with my hearts desire, Forever with the One who set my soul afire! But alas, my King, let it be done unto me, according to Your perfect plan, knowing You'll stand with me, for All of Eternity.And oh my Jesus! Forgive what I forget and could You let me know just enough to see if You'll be here soon, carry me past the moon, please my Yeshua, come for me soon? And I love You too,with all that I am and have; and I care not who might cut down, or who might laugh at my passionate faith....because You will see justice done...for all of the ones..who call You Savior, and follow You as Lord, forever bearing Your double-edged sword! You Oh God, are my exceedingly great reward!

Friday, April 18, 2014

How We Judge... Or not. Does it EVER confuse you like it does me?

Studying Matthew 7 tonight we come across the famously over-used and abused command because we are human and I'd you're like me, pretty lame sometimes! 
It's in my heart daily to please my Lord and NOT grieve the precious Holy Spirit by word OR action. 
I'm sure you'll all agree that this is a bumpy road at best, total humiliation at worst..and I've been there...have you? We react w/o thought( rational anyway flys out my door! FRUSTRATING TO SAY THE LEAST! 
We're at the same time commanded Not TO REPLY IN KIND , without quieting emotions AT THE VERY LEAST! ( A MUST TO NOT REPLY IN KIND), Give yourself 30 minutes and it might save a friendship or begin new ones, counting to 10 with very slow deep breaths helps ennormanancely!  Need practice on that one too? Go punch a pillow, really hard!  
PART ONE ... PLS COMMENT, share, Subscribe! Love to all who trusted to read what God helps Me write, he's truly AMAZING AND I PRAY you have love and  Blessing for Easter; HE IS RISEN INDEED HALLELUJIAH AND AMEN TO OUR AWESOME LORD! If I continue past
My fatigue you'll be laughing in a second, it's bad as you've no doubt seen! My fatigue causes  a stream of completely unrelated statements & cohesiveness just FLIES OUT THE WINDKOW ( HUGELY HIMBLING BUt IM LEARNING TO LAUGH AT myself! Why not right? 😃
Learning and admitting  our own weaknesses AND LAUGHING AT Our own mistakes is freeing somehow and admitting our OWN NEED FOR HELP, is humbling and we all need that. 😘☺️Seek it as we saw ithdecided to stay with Remember Romans 3: we ALL have sinned and fallen short of gods perfect love, His beautiful glory in each day.  It's a process I know, TOO SLOW FOR MY INNER MARTHA;  Rational and needed to my Mary side who loves to sit at Jesus feet and take it all in like a sponge! Blessings for tonight; if I continue writing past this much fatigue you all read gobbly gook andwonder if I'm  a hopeless case,but hope springs etetnal & NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GREAT AND living GOD- ARENT YOU SO GRATEFUL THAT HE IS THE GOD OS SECOND CHANCES, third, fourth, you get to really realize that grace and pray His path begin will not fail because you're a dolt! 
PS:,my reason for extreme hardship in writing a post or article is 14++Long YEARS OF CHRONIC, severe Fibromyalgia followed by 2 major strokes hitting my EMO CTR, reasoning, THINKING B4 I speaks! Oh MY IVE FAILED THERE A GAZILLION TImes TOO MANY, not to excuse, only to pray I hourly no one .  am SO SORRY if I've come across self- righteous pit.,Greg! Again sometime today countered not rightly, in anger and outrage because a MESSIANIC RABBI was teaching Hosea. When you can face i, turn to Christ for all, it's worth it! He taught the legit message but got actotally NON-CHRISTIAN " shoot the messenger" rants, so OVERLY A FELT NEED BY WAY TOO MANY tragically BIBLICALLY ILLITERATE FOLKS WHICH IS IN EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS AND I EXPECT ITVTOBONLY INCREASE AS PROPHESIED. Sad day. You cannot know Christ as Savior and Lord without knowing HIM CAN YOU? NO!!!
Thank you for grace &  mercy for all the typos, grammatical errors, etc! , The more tired the worse I get  so here's my GOD BLESS AND TRUST OUR SOON COMING KING, 
Thanks for tuning in, would love NEW FOLLOWS and comments , I can be the worst judge, ESP. With Those who ADD TO OR SUBTRACT FROM GODS HOLY, inerrant word. Really think we're that divine ourselves, the satanic lie gobbled up by men,,who above ALL ELSE...DESIRE POWER & and PRIDE

I'll be posting on this subject of Judging in the Body; adding TO SCRIPTURE and taking from, a growing daily. 
Again, blessings in Yeshua's most holy name and treasured Lord. 
PLS FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE- YAY! Thank you vtithrrscahscsysrweadf

PART 2: removing the log from our eyes and before the sawdust speck in theirs. ALSO:,we CANNOT PLS EVERYONE, so just worry about  pleasing OUR LORD...CARE TO join me on this lifetime adventure and PURSUE GODS TRUTH DAILY- WHAT A PRIVELEDGE! 
God speed until Tim an

Sunday, February 16, 2014

LEARNING TO FLY by Michelle y Secord

I'm standing on this magic spot, trying to remember how free we thought ourselves to be; you were still so young and bursting with a love that you poured out on to me. And so...this spot, though still so very beautiful to me; represents now all the dreams we believed could be true ; for us, for me...for you. And maybe just perhaps, it's much to soon to lose our faith that any of these dreams could still come true. Becsuse our precious Lord, has passed down His sword, more powerful than any made by men;and with it, He will bring you back to me again; and once more we'll laugh along the golden sand, And looking up into the midnight light of the moon, we'd hold each other tight and give ourselves each to the other in that ancient dance of love; the room lit only by the light of a springs sweet moon, illuminating all the love we have to give by its light from above. So alive... And so much in love. Who would have believed that all these later, I can stand here again like finally seeing my very best friend, ah yes, we meet again.Like the sea, you are beloved to me, a wild spirit now held captive; but soon one that will be soaring oh so high, I'll be learning to fly, and I'll kiss the sky;,so finally free and at last so very alive. And I'll soar as if on eagles wings, until I hear you sing. Sing to bring me back to you, that voice will sing our victory song, into the west; the sea calls us back home& beckons with such great love. And we'll hold each other once again, and we'll love a love like we did back then;I'll forever remember your amazing softest kiss, all I could even think was how does that even exist ? It's almost like the brush on my lips with a gentle breath, searching my very heart, when I close my eyes and go back all the years,through the travail, and yes, through the tears...I still can feel today that long ago kiss, and I do not believe He will let all end in tears of sadness, but tears of joy, for the long night is past and oh yes, we will, we will dance, and He will renew our strength and cover us in His perfect grace, and He'll move time and space and I will gaze again at your dimpled smile and that oh so handsome face, and stand together on that magic spot, and I will clap and laugh as a little child , and the waves will CRASH!;'so ALIVE with power, almost at our feet, and I will run; oh, I will run again into your arms, and you'll keep me ever safe and ever warm; through winter storm and mighty wind, but all is well because I'm back, I'm back in your login' arms again, my lover, my husband, my friend.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mac Powell: "When Love Sees You (JESUS)" - Official Lyric Video

OH! The AWESOME voice of Mac Powell, SO UNIQUE! Great SONG! Lord, this reminds us ALL that we walk under Your undeserved grace as Yours, help us, in these darkening days, know the "signs of our times" & BE AWAKE ALL! let us search our hearts with Your word to guide and lead us, show us areas of sin in our own lives that need to be given over to you, to love each other with Your love, peace, patience and self-control, and Your precious gentleness that ever seeks to love and not to inflict hurt or pain. Help us kill ALL PRIDE within our hearts which can so easily blind us to our own sins while at the same time magnifying others! OH GOD! PLEASE help us to die that all within us that might grieve Your beloved heart, Your precious Spirit within us, forgive us, for from the same mouths come blessing and cursing, unkindness, selfishness, self-righteousness, eyes that refuse to see Your truth and ears that refuse the same, from whomever and however You choose to bring that truth. Help us listen more and talk less (OH PLEASE!), to be SO MUCH MORE LIKE YOU and SO MUCH LESS like our selves. May we die SO FULLY to ourselves that only YOU remain! Ami, Amen

How Love Wins- Steven Curtis Chapman (with lyrics)

May we ever seek Your face and Your Way O God! WE are so like sheep, we wander into danger blinded by the lies of this world and become "cast" upon our backs, unable to right ourselves. Lord, go before us in Your pillar of cloud by day and Your pillar of fire by night. May we ever heed your voice, "This is the way, walk in it, looking neither to the right or the left." We are SO prone to wander, bring us back always back into the circle of your loving arms! O God of mercy and grace, please see our hearts desire to see Your beloved face!