by Apostle Jay Ikwan Snr on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 11:28am
"He has made everything beautiful In Its Time..." (Ecclesiastes 3:11 New International Version) 

Not long ago, a Pastor friend and his family went on a guided tour of a large cave. He said, “You walk through these winding and really narrow, passageways admiring the wonders that God has created from stalagmites, stalactites, and underground rivers. We entered this one large chamber, and the guide turned on the light and directed our eyes to this high vaulted ceiling. You can probably guess what animals we saw hanging out up there - Bats, lots of Bats! The guide told us that the early explorers of this cave had found large quantities of what she called Bat Guano. If you don't know what that is, never mind. It's gross, that's what it is! But they made lots of money selling that stuff! I thought, "What good could Bat Dung possibly be?" Surprise! They make Gunpowder out of it! And even more surprisingly, they said that they can turn that gross stuff into Makeup like Mascara and Lipstick! Makes me think twice about kissing my wife. The pastor said. LOL !!! 

As I listened to that comical story, I thought, it's amazing how people can turn something Seemingly Useless and Ugly into something Useful and even Beautiful. What's more amazing is how God does that with Our Lives! In fact, He's wanting to do that very thing for you Today - to make something Beautiful and Useful out of the Ugliest things that have happened in Your Life! The truth of the matter is, He’s the only One Who Can!" HE Has Made everything beautiful in its time..."  

One way He does that is described in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. "The Father of compassion and the God of all comfort ... comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God." I don't know what kind of "troubles" you've been through in life; it could be anything from sickness, to abuse, to addiction, to grief. But whatever the “trouble”, I know that it's made you Need the Lord more than ever before. And so you experienced His Compassion, His Comfort, His Strength, and His Support in some deeply personal ways. Now, in a sense, God wants you to be for other hurting people What He Has Been For You. That's how He takes the Worst things that ever happened to you and makes them into something Beautiful.  Your “Ugly” situations produce “Beautiful” compassion and comfort for the “troubles” of others sitting where you once sat! 

For example: Sean was at a workshop I taught on mentoring youth one day when he was desperately lonely and hurting. He was desperate, lonely and hurting enough to want to end his young life. But instead, he gave his life to Christ that day when the workshop had ended and I had already left the church. Later, he contacted me and shared his testimony and asked if I could mentor him on how to start a youth peer mentoring program, for young people like himself. Why? Because he found out how to help lonely, hurting and desperate people, and it all happened because he had once been lonely, hurting and desperate. Sean has a membership of 56 teens in his program to date and it’s still growing! Imagine if he didn’t allow God to make his Ugly—Beautiful, In Its Time.

JaNell was sexually abused by two different family members before she reached sweet 16. When she brought that awful garbage to Jesus, He began to give her a ministry to abused girls and she has helped a lot of them! Her history of abuse became the validation of her strange credentials for caring for abused victims. She shared with me the day God spoke it to her, it was simple, He told her to look at the word “abuse”, in it He highlighted the hidden word “use”. In that still quiet moment, God told her “use” your “abuse” to help others. JaNell now works with me on the Transforming Beauty Ministry launched in January 2010, that now mentors 42 girls and women.

Derrick has had a tremendous ministry to young people that others would call rejects. He's so tender and compassionate toward them. You know why? He says it's because he remembers the hurt he experienced as an illegitimate child in a terribly dysfunctional home. God has recycled his wounds into a life-changing ministry of compassion. 

God wants to do that for you if you'll only bring Him all that pain, all those wounds, all those memories. He wants to take all that Ugly stuff—stuff that Looks Like it’s useless, and He wants to turn into something Very Beautiful - a tender, compassionate, helping heart in you. Because of what Christ can do with the Waste of our lives, the ones who have been hurt the most turn out to be some of the Greatest Healers In the World. 

So don’t lose faith, Your Ugly Will Produce Something Beautiful—In Its Time!

Do not forget, We are in the Refiner's Hands !!! Grow STRONGER!!!! 

I love you
Apostle Jay Ikwan Snr
Coals of Fire Ministries Intl - The Refiner's Church
P.O.Box 4906 Aba, Nigeria
Tel: +234-818.494.1865
YAHOO: megajeezle
AIM: jayikwansnr
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