Friday, November 4, 2011


It is my intention with this blog to glorify God the best way that I can. Right now there is a battle going on in the church like we've never seen before. We have self-professing "Christians" who are deserting the major doctrines of the Christian faith as if they mean nothing; pastors denying the virgin birth, the incarnation of Christ, the fact that Christ actually died on the cross, His resurrection from the dead, the miracles of Christ, the existence of Heaven and Hell, you name it, it's under attack. But the fact that core doctrines such as the virgin birth, the resurrection,and Christ's death on the cross are SUCH a betrayal of Christ Himself, that those of us who REALLY do love Him MUST fight back, fight for the truth, so I do that. If an organization or a church or a person is teaching a false gospel, I'm going to take a stand FOR TRUTH, if they teach man's doctrine as God's word, I'm going to challenge that with the Biblical TRUTH. So a lot of people won't like that. But Christ is my Savior and Lord and He made it clear that if we are ashamed of Him here, He will be ashamed of us in front of His father. So you see, My life is His and being God, He doesn't NEED our help, but He CHOOSES to use us, and actually, it's an honor. So I will stand for the truth no matter who is doing the lying, and trust me, there's plenty of them out there. The persecution WILL come from the ones doing the lying, because when you hit a nerve, well, you know how that goes.

But that's not ALL my blog is for. I have a chronic illness called Fibromyalgia and I also have had a stroke back in 2007. So I'm pretty much homebound with chronic debilitating pain and fatigue but out of that the Lord birthed a ministry. I write poems, and I share them with others who are suffering or in pain. It is an honor to share a small part of my life with so many wonderful people that the Lord has brought into my life. And I use my blog to post some of my poems to share with you guys who happen upon my blog here. So I'm not ALL fiesty and fight, but I DO fight for the truth. If you happen to go to a church that I challenge, I'm sorry, it's not against you. You need to know with me that if it's NOT backed up somewhere in Scripture, then I won't be ok with it, and if you're a Christian, you shouldn't be either. If someone is teaching something thought up by MAN as if it came from GOD then it is a FALSE TEACHING. Seems pretty simple to me. So that's my story and this is my blog. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. while there IS a lot of churches leaving foundational doctrine's by the wayside for "feel good" theology, there is also a beautiful return to biblical doctrine among many churches these days, i believe there are people who are hungry for truth.
