Monday, November 12, 2012


by Susan Avril Hughes on Sunday, November 4, 2012 at 2:19am ·
Hard to explain to someone who has no clue. It's a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine on the outside. Please put this as your status for at least 1 hour if you or someone you know has an invisible illness (Crohn's, PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar , Depression , Diabetes, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, MS, ME, Arthritis, Cancer, HEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Autism,M.D., Histiocytosis etc.) " Never judge what you don't understand, I know which of my friends will copy and paste.......For a dear know who you are!!!

My sister-in-law posted this. One of the things that we s but we also share the burden of the "invisible" illness of Fibrmyalgia. What are the odds right? I believe the Lord, in His sovereignty allowed both of us in the same family not only so that we would always know that we had at least ONE PERSON in the world who would understand. And I have to give absolute GREAT PRAISE to my brother Sean, because he is (from my viewpoint) an awesome caregiver for Lori, and shows, I think, a very RARE understanding of her suffering. I don't think she gets too many of those "comments" from her own caregiver that somehow suggests that we have the ability to just "fix" ourselves.It's like SERIOUSLY??? WHO would CHOOSE THIS? Have you gone MAD? Yet SO many Fibro patients (stat wise mostly women, mostly Type A personalities, so we're SMART AND GOOD LOOKING!) LOL And the Fibro seems to be "triggered" by a major trauma, either physical or emotional. I believe mine was triggered by a series of "major stress events one right after the other, but I don't remember what triggered Loris - see, AAAHH, that memory thing...GRRRR>And, not demeaning Lori's suffering one itsy, bitsy bit, but I have also had a right brain stroke, which struck my emotional/thought processes, as if I didn't have enough memory and emo challenges just from the Fibro; and trust us, they're HUGE. Fibromyalgia moves in, and with BOTH of our cases, it has been serious enough to disable us, so our previous lives moved out, and I mean TOTALLY. And for you prosperity gospel folks out there, and word faith folks, with all due respect; neither gospel is biblical, but it can be VERY HURTFUL when it comes to Christians who are suffering, which, BTY, have you actually even READ the Bible, much less STUDIED IT for any amount of time? Because the messages you all teach CAN"T BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE without taking what IS true and twisting it and manipulating it to fit YOUR DESCRIPTION, i.e. MAN"S WORD. So people like my Lori and I have to endure the "If you just had enough faith, you would be healed" or "SPEAK OUT your healing in Jesus Name and it MUST LEAVE!" Really? Do you HEAR yourself? First, try EITHER of those FALSE gospels to the Persecuted Church, people with REAL faith, they would seriously LAUGH you OUT of their churches. They GET IT that TRUE FAITH will be tested in flames and in the valley, NOT on those mountain tops that you teach we are supposed to dwell on 24/7/365. That's not to say God does not still heal OR prosper financially, but it's certainly NOT BY DEMAND and ALWAYS meant to bring HIMSELF the glory, NOT MAN! And IF He prospers with worldly wealth it's so it can be used to further the Gospel around the globe and ALL OTHER KINGDOM work, NOT so we can have big shiny cars, mansions, multiple houses, AKA EXCESS! GOD FIRST AND ALWAYS, THEN ourselves, but not for extravagance, but I digress. Sorry, part of the stroke and the Fibro, it's like mega-ADD. But after 11 + years of this, my faith IS my victory, and though I would NEVER wish this even on my WORST ENEMY, I don't think I would EVER have come to know the depth of God's word OR the depth of Jesus' love, nor understood suffering, even His in such a way had I NOT gone through this valley. And yes, I continue to pray for healing, but He is God and I'm not, so WHATEVER He allows into my life only comes with purpose. One HUGE blessing that came almost as soon as I became ill was writing poems about suffering, and how faith ties into that, and those come from God not me, because I never wrote ANYTHING before. And He turned that into a ministry to reach out to others who suffer or who have lost a loved one, or just to encourage, and that has been amazing. He is so amazing. But seriously, if you know someone who has this, NO, we are NOT better just because we look ok, or just because we are out of the house for the first time in 2 weeks. It makes getting to church a huge challenge, which I ABSOLUTELY HATE, and planning next to impossible. Our status can change minute to minute, hour to hour. Frustration is a common feeling, and guilt sneaks in regardless, even though you KNOW you did NOTHING to bring this illness on, that very thought can sometimes haunt you. We rarely if ever, get a restful sleep, our brains denying us the vital REM sleep our bodies desperately need.

I'm sharing this so you can understand me, and my life, a little better. Right now, my Fibro has actually flared and has set me back to the point that I had thought I had been set free of. Yet, as a true follower of Christ, I know that nothing can enter my life unless God allows it. And when I have done ALL that I can do, in my circumstances, I need to be still. I need to rest in God at that point that He has a purpose in all that He allows into our lives, and that it comes with great purpose, and most importantly, that His name would be glorified in my life, despite my circumstances.

As Job said, can we expect good from God, yet expect no suffering? (MY paraphrase) but you get the drift. The Christian hero, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, dared to take a stand for Christ in Hitler's Germany, when the majority of Christian's played it safe and stayed silent in the face of Hitler's slaughter of innocent Jews, and those who supported and helped the Jews. He payed for that stand with his life. It is estimated that  had the Protestant church Pastors stood firm against Hitler's evil, his agenda might have been stopped. The Catholic church is another story. It's history of placing power above people was status quo during WW11, the pope signing it's agreement contract with the devil.

Anyway, sorry for going off message, that's the problem with Fibromyalgia combined with brain damage from the stroke, it's like super ADD and I stray off message without realizing it! Ah well, such is life!

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